Highest TRP series Anupamaa makes me squirm , you too? What will happen in future episodes. i can tell you. Happiness Lessons

There’s a popular TV series running in India right now called “Anupamaa”. The show depicts the life of a homemaker, Anupamaa, who is portrayed as a quintessential housewife. She is someone who dedicates her life to her family and doesn’t have a life outside of it. This blog post aims to analyze why it truly makes any progressive woman squirm and why women shouldn’t fall into the trap of becoming like Anupamaa . We will discuss ten points that illustrate how Anupamaa is treated like a doormat in the show and quote instances from the serial to make the point. We will also discuss why it’s important to say no in life for women.

Table of Contents:

  1. Who is Anupamaa?
  2. How is Anupamaa Treated in the Show?
  3. Why Women Should Not be like Anupamaa?
  4. Ten Points to Avoid Becoming Anupamaa
  5. Why Saying No is Important for Women
  6. Conclusion
  7. Bonus Sneak Peek into future episodes : Anupamaa future episodes

Who is Anupamaa?

Anupamaa is a popular television series in India. It revolves around the life of a homemaker, Anupamaa, who dedicates her life to her family. She is shown as a selfless woman who sacrifices her dreams and aspirations for the happiness of her family. The show has gained immense popularity due to its relatable characters and storyline.

Highest TRP series Anupamaa makes me squirm , you too? What will happen in future episodes. i can tell you
Highest TRP series Anupamaa makes me squirm , you too? What will happen in future episodes. i can tell you

How is Anupamaa Treated in the Show?

In the show, Anupamaa is treated like a doormat by her family. She is constantly belittled and criticized for her actions, and her efforts are never appreciated. Her husband doesn’t respect her and treats her like a servant. He even has an extramarital affair but expects Anupamaa to continue serving him and his family without any complaints.

Anupamaa’s mother-in-law, on the other hand, is manipulative and emotionally blackmails Anupamaa into doing things her way. She often insults Anupamaa in front of others and doesn’t value her efforts. Anupamaa’s children, too, take her for granted and don’t appreciate her sacrifices.

Why Women Should Not be like Anupamaa?

The show portrays Anupamaa as a selfless woman who dedicates her life to her family. While being selfless is an admirable quality, it’s important to strike a balance between one’s personal and professional life. Women should not give up their dreams and aspirations for the happiness of their family. They should strive to achieve their goals while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Ten Points to Avoid Becoming Anupamaa:

  1. Don’t Give Up on Your Dreams: Anupamaa gave up on her dreams to become a dancer to take care of her family. Women should pursue their dreams and not let their family responsibilities hold them back.
  2. Learn to Say No: Anupamaa never says no to her family’s demands, even if it means sacrificing her own happiness. Women should learn to say no when required and set boundaries.
  3. Don’t Let Others Control You: Anupamaa’s mother-in-law manipulates her into doing things her way. Women should not let others control them and should stand up for themselves.
  4. Value Your Efforts: Anupamaa’s efforts are never appreciated by her family. Women should value their efforts and not let anyone belittle them.
  5. Don’t be a Doormat: Anupamaa is treated like a doormat by her family. Women should not let anyone treat them like a doormat and should demand respect.
  6. Stand up for Yourself: Anupamaa never stands up for herself and lets others walk over her. Women should stand up for themselves and their beliefs.
  1. Take Care of Your Mental Health: Anupamaa’s constant neglect and mistreatment take a toll on her mental health. Women should prioritize their mental health and seek help if required.
  2. Have Financial Independence: Anupamaa is financially dependent on her husband and family. Women should strive to be financially independent and not rely on anyone for their basic needs.
  3. Don’t Ignore Red Flags: Anupamaa ignores the red flags in her marriage and doesn’t confront her husband’s infidelity. Women should not ignore red flags and should confront issues in their relationships.
  4. Don’t Let Society Define You: Anupamaa is a victim of societal norms and expectations that define a woman’s role as a homemaker. Women should not let society define their worth and should strive to break free from stereotypes.

Why Saying No is Important for Women:

Saying no is important for women as it helps them set boundaries and prioritize their needs. It helps them avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Women should not feel guilty about saying no as it’s their right to prioritize their needs.


In conclusion, women should not fall into the trap of becoming like Anupamaa, a character who is treated like a doormat in the popular TV series “Anupamaa”. Women should prioritize their personal and professional goals and strive to achieve a healthy work-life balance. They should learn to say no and set boundaries to avoid burnout. They should stand up for themselves and not let anyone treat them like a doormat. It’s important for women to prioritize their mental health and seek help if required. Women should strive to be financially independent and not rely on anyone for their basic needs. They should not let societal norms and expectations define their worth and should strive to break free from stereotypes. Anupamaa future episodes

Bonus: A look into what will happen in future in the Serial Anupamaa? Too Predictable??

Can Anupama Forgive Anuj? A Story of Heartbreak and Redemption

The story of Anupama and Anuj is one of heartbreak and redemption. It is a tale of two individuals who were torn apart by a grave mistake, only to be reunited through the power of forgiveness.

Anuj knew that he had hurt Anupama deeply. The pain he had caused her was immeasurable. He felt remorse and regret for his actions, and knew that he had to do something to make amends. But would it be enough? Could he win back the heart of the woman he loved?

Anupama, on the other hand, had experienced her fair share of pain and disappointment. She had been through a reality check that had changed her outlook on life. She was no longer willing to tolerate any form of mistreatment or disrespect. She had decided to walk alone and focus on her dreams. Anupamaa future episodes

Anuj knew that he had to act fast. He reached out to Anupama, full of remorse and regret. He wanted to apologize and make things right. But Anupama was not ready to forgive and forget so easily. She had been hurt too many times before and did not want to risk her heart again.

Anuj felt helpless and lost. He knew that he had made a grave mistake, but he also knew that he could not live without Anupama. He was determined to win her back, but he also knew that it was not going to be easy. He had to prove to her that he was worthy of her love and trust.

Anupama, on the other hand, was torn between her heart and her mind. She still cared for Anuj, but the pain he had caused her was too great to forget. Forgiveness seemed like an impossible feat. But then, something miraculous happened. Anupama began to see that forgiveness was not a weakness, but a strength. She realized that Anuj was truly sorry and remorseful. He had done everything in his power to make things right.

Slowly but surely, Anupama began to open up her heart to Anuj again. She saw that he was worthy of her love and trust. Anuj was overjoyed. He knew that he had a long way to go, but he was willing to do whatever it takes to make things right.

In the end, Anupama forgave Anuj. ( As Expected) She realized that true love can conquer all obstacles. It takes courage and strength to forgive, but it is a decision that can bring immense happiness and joy. Anupama and Anuj reunited, stronger than ever before. They knew that they had been through a lot, but they also knew that their love was worth fighting for.

The story of Anupama and Anuj is a powerful reminder of the importance of forgiveness. It is a testament to the fact that true love can withstand even the greatest of challenges. May we all find the strength to forgive and let love guide us on our journey. But a tad too stereotypical !!! Anupamaa future episodes

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