Hi all. How is it going?

I am back with day 4 to 8 instructionsto achieve your dream. Its the 21 Day LOA Laws of Arraction Program.Today we will learn a technique called 55 X 5 . It is really powerful methos to fastrack the manifestation of your dreams.

For next 5 days write your dream 55 times everyday.

Follow this when you write it in not more than 2 to 3 sentences.

  1. Sit in a quiet place and breathe deeply 10 times
  2. Focus on your dream as if it has already come true
  3. Write it in present tense Like for wealth write I have 100 million dollars in my bank and I will use it for……..
  4. Make sure you don’t break the 5 day chain.

Amazing things will begin to happen. Share the miracles which happen with you!

Some more Awesome stuff

The color you choose!

Yellow the Happy Color

21 Day program Day 1

21 Day Program Day 2

21 Day Program Day 3

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