Being happy is easy if you know these 16 hidden secrets of happiness.
Number 1. Money does not make us Happy !
Understand from which point you consider yourself successful, the big mistake. most people make is they think they need a billion dollars to be happy. They think they need a large yacht, a big house or 100 friends and millions donated to charity. These people will help never make it to real Happiness. Money is an amazing tool to have in your Arsenal, but that’s all it is. It’s by no means the end goal. Is your money making you terribly unhappy?
Number 2 : Gratefulness is the Key
Train yourself to realize how much you already have and be grateful for it. Without the appreciation of how blessed you really are you’re not going to be able to move to happiness. Just take a step back and analyze your current reality. Think of what your life was like 5 years ago and how much it’s changed for the better. Do not take these changes for granted. Don’t take your health, family, your progress for granted. 5 phrases to avoid to be happy!
Number 3: Don’t Mess up the big things.
The most important things in life, our family health and relationships, get any of these messed up and it doesn’t matter how much you try to overcompensate with anything else. Your foundation is wrong and your entire life might collapse. The beauty in life comes from sharing the good times with others. How Happy Are You Quiz
Number 4 :Don’t compromise on your Values
More You do things you don’t want to do the less happy you get. Your life is just the sum of events that take place. In order to be happy you need to have your conscience clear. Every time you do something you don’t want to you’re tearing down your peace of mind, with a soul-crushing job. Stop letting people treat you like shit and never give up everything for someone who doesn’t make you happy. Do you value convenience too much ?
Number 5, Stop worrying about things you can’t control .
We stress so damn much about things we can do nothing about that its no wonder people are self-medicating to an unprecedented degree to relieve anxiety. As far as anticipated stress goes you need to make sure you prepare for it beforehand so it doesn’t catch you by surprise.. Once it happens, put your best foot forward. And tackle the situation head-on stressful situations. Once you did everything in your power, to solve the issue, let it go and see what happens. Do You Have Hidden stress quiz?
Number 6 : The only person you should compare yourself with is your past self.
It’s super easy to look at other people and feel down on yourself because you don’t have the same level of success, the same level of happiness or the same types of relationships, but what you fail to realize is that you are comparing someone else’s Final Chapter with your first few chapters. If you keep putting in the work, keep flipping that Pages, you’ll get it for yourself, don’t underestimate the importance of slow progress. Which lipstick shade are you quiz?
Number 7 : Surround yourself with great people.
Your family , your crew, your squad, your friends, your tribe. They can turn things around for you. If you pick them right.Life is a lot easier. If you build the right support system around yourself, you don’t need many of them. All you need is a partner who’s willing to go through his/her life with you, no matter what and one or two friends who would wake up at 3 a.m. and bail you out. Are you an introvert or extrovert Quiz
Number 8 :Don’t overthink
Most people miss their chances due to overthinking compared to those, who don’t think about it at all and just do it. Don’t get me wrong both ways are kind of dumb but if opportunities present themselves, I’ll work beforehand and be ready. You need to jump on it, overthinking leads to a life filled with regrets for not acting when you should have. And I’m still thinking about the girl you should have kissed or asked out when you’re just a teenager the same pattern of behaviour repeats itself. When you’re older with the same type of results, people overthink things that sometimes have an easy fix . 50 awesome benefits of Happiness
Number 9 : Take Care of Your Health
You need to be healthy in order to have a happy and fulfilled life. You need to be able to enjoy it. You should be able to use all of your senses to appreciate how fruitful Life Is ! Health is not a function of your Fiscal State but your lifestyle. As you can be as loaded as you want, but if your health is not in the right place, you’re still unhappy. Seek ways to improve your health and your chances of living a happy life will dramatically increase. Happiness is the best Medicine Pill here is how?
Number 10. Appreciate the little things in life.
No matter how hard you tell yourself, you only need to get this one thing and then you’re going to be happy. Life is what happens to you while you’re hustling, away towards your dream work as hard as you want. These little moments and motions. you go through every day, they stack up and they form what, you know, as your life. So you better pay attention to them, because even if you get your dream goal, you might just realize that you’ve sacrificed too much and now it wasn’t worth it. This 97 year old has awesome things to say about Love.
Number 11. Indulge in Your passion.
Happiness comes from doing the things you Love… Passion is what sets people apart. It’s what helps people escape the mundane and move into a different Universe filled with the most incredible elements. Passion pushes people to be better to create more or simply calms the soul.. If you can monetize your passion that’s even better. But if you can’t at least find a way to indulge in it in some form or the other you add to your happiness. My Early retire is a testimony of passion.
Number 12 : Make other people happy.
Guess what? making other people happy results in your being happier, for a longer period of time, than just serving yourself. If you can generate happiness for others everything changes in your life, your energy, your mindset, your productivity. The effect you have on other people, snowballs and creates even more happiness, which you’ll find is reflected back on to you. If your life is miserable. You might want to start by changing the way you treat others. How to make money buy happiness?
Number 13 : Connect and explore.
This is another big one, especially in today’s social media centric in society . Recent studies, show that social networks are making you less happy with your life. This is because nobody is posting their failures or bad days. Instead. All you see is people faking happiness. We know first-hand how fake social media can be and why it’s important to disconnect. Have you got Covid Brain?Quiz
Number 14 :Don’t take yourself too, seriously.
Happiness comes from not pretending to be something you’re not and being embraced by the world for just that. As we keep growing we notice our set of values maturing as well. But never forget about the inner child in you. The mind is a dangerous place for those who no longer see the beauty in fooling around. Take that stick out of your behind and live happier. 5 movies to watch for happiness
Number 15: Spend money on experiences, not things.
Most things you buy are depreciating assets while experiences are forever, we’re not talking about financial investments for the goal of generating Financial returns. This has to do with how much happiness you can get for your buck. There are many psychology professors who back up the claim that experiences have a longer happiness quotient. Photo book Happiness Quiz
Number 16. You can restart your life right now
. Your past is already behind you. Your future is ahead of you. The future has not been written yet. You have the power to change your path if you choose to do. So, it will not be easy and it will not happen overnight, but you can choose to change the way you live right now and start acting according to who you want to be .