Calculate your score here. Check your choices against the score guide below and add up. Read your Success Quotient result below.


a) 10     b) 5          c) 3


a) 3        b) 5        c)10


a) 10    b) 5          c) 3


a) 5      b)10         c) 3


a) 5       b) 10        c)3

Check your choices against the score given above. Add your score and read the result below.

Score 15 to 25 : Your Success quotient could be better , you need to work on focus and discipline. Looks like either you got very little opportunity to struggle or you chose convenience over other things. Change that and your life will change.

25 to 40. Moderate to high Success Quotient. Great potential for success if you make small changes like having a daily plan towards your goal. You need to push up your hard work factor. Another 15% of extra effort and you can succeed in anything you want.

40 to 50. Very high Success Quotient. Keep doing whatever you are doing for it is working just fine. The only word of caution don’t get complacent. Keep working towards your goals.

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