Are MAIDS the biggest culprit ??

I had a strange encounter today. I was stepping out to get some medicines and I saw this group of 2 -3 maids standing a bit away from the gate. As I drove past them they waived at me to stop. All of them were wearing masks. I asked what happened and they spoke from a distance,

Didi do you think we will be able to come back to work ever?

I said yes , government has allowed now.

But Didi nobody is calling or allowing.

I said , why don’t you call your employers.

Didi we called but they said not this month.

I said OK then after this month they will call you.

Na Didi last month also they said that. We want work.

I said see its for everyone’s safety but of course they will call.

She said. Didi are we the only ones unsafe? we wear masks, we wash hands, after all we are also worried about our kids. Electricians are going to work, plumbers are going, shop boys are going, ice cream wallahs are going . They all live in same basti , some of them our husbands and brothers and sons. then why only us.

We did not bring this illness Didi. What is our fault? Why everyone is treating us like this? What to do Didi? At home we get beaten up we want yo go back to work , please do something didi?

I asked them Are you getting paid by your employers?

Didi we do not want only money we want work , we want to come out of our homes even if you pay less. I feel like crying Didi and she started crying.

I was zapped!! What really is their fault???

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