Answers are Here!!

  1. ‘Can you solve the question?’ is the question. “No. I cannot solve the question” is the answer.
  2. By turning their back to each other.
  3. Call another fire station.
  4. Fire station is burning but not the fire engine that is holding water. This applies to previous question  also.
  5. Out side. There are six sides: outside, inside, left, right, front and backside.Obviously, the hair is on the outside.
  6. Left hand (or left finger, left wrist).
  7. Wait till the bird goes.
  8. By untying the knot.
  9. If you answer that you would arrive first, you are absolutely wrong. When you overtake the second, you take his place and will be in second position.
  10. If you answer that you would be ‘second from last’ you are wrong. How can you be behind the ‘last’?
  11. The other side of the rope is not tied. This is one answer.
  12. The price would be lower to the original price. Suppose the original price is 100. it goes up to 110 (10% on 100) and comes down by 11 (10% 0n 110) making it 99.
  13. No. If I accept the offer, I would be thousands of kilometres away from the earth in space. The pilot is going to leave me “exactly at the same space” from where he has taken .In one hour the earth will be travelling away from the said spot.
  14. It is difficult to answer this question scientifically, but can be logically worked out.Convert the Celsius into Fahrenheit. 0 degrees Celsius means 32º F. ‘Double chill’ means…half of it (16º F). Convert back to Celsius. 16 x 5/9 which works out to –8.80º C…! Funny? Yes. It does not stand good on technical grounds.

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