Raise an extremely Lucky Child by simple changes.

It is every Parent’s dream that their child should be extremely lucky, a lucky child is a wish come true.. Very often as soon as a kid is born we try to ascertain from astrologers and fortune tellers about the Luck Factor of the child. With the research I have done you really do not need to do all this. The Luck Factor of your child is in your hands.

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You CAN Raise an exceptionally Lucky Child

And after doing a study on over 120 kids who are in general considered to be Lucky, in the sense that they get more opportunities, are found to in the right place at the right time, seem to attract all the positive things in life, I have reached the conclusion that there are 3 factors which effectively predict a child’s luckiness throughout his life. And here are these 3 factors.

  1. Mature, wise and open minded Parents: Yes this is the first factor. The quality of parents is first stroke of amazing luck for the child. Now what exactly do we mean by great quality parents.

  • A parent which creates a lucky child is mature and has learnt lot about life with his or her experience.
  • Such a parent goes beyond temporary emotions like irritation, frustration or urges to pamper too much and focuses on the long term good of the child.
  • Makes learning possible through example rather than words. If shouting is unacceptable then the parent herself does not shout, if keeping surroundings clean is important then the parent herself keeps things clean, you get the drift don’t you?
  • The parent gives a lot of exposure to literature, fine arts, sports and activities like reading and writing.
  • The parent is non-judgemental, this does not imply that the parent does not correct the child but it simply means that the parent does not brand the child as bad or naughty or dumb or whatever! Only the action is corrected child as a person is not stereotyped.
  • The parent of lucky child sets a great example of social interactions be it with family, relatives or friends. Setting an example of too much individuality and aloofness erodes your child’s luck factor.
  • Such parents set an example of healthy and strong social interactions and relationships. They have lot of 3 am friends.
  • The parent of lucky child should be seen to enjoy activities and hard work.
  • The more cheerful the parent in all circumstances the luckier is the child.
  • The parent is able to see positive side of everything and actively strives to cultivate this attitude in kids.
  • Encourages creativity over comfort and avoids serving things on a platter.
  • The parents actively practice resilience or the ability to bounce from failures. Such parents typically treat failure as a learning experience.
  • Parents of lucky children are genuinely happy at other people’s success, instead of envying they work hard on themselves. They don’t blame others.
  • Such parents unconditionally expect their kids to achieve great things in life be it professional or personal. There are lot of studies on this power of positive expectations and I will quote one here:

It is called the power of expectations or the Pygmalion Effect.What Is The ‘Pygmalion Effect’?

The Pygmalion Effect explains that people tend to perform up to the level that others expect of them.

The work of Rosenthal and Jacobsen (1968), among others, shows that teacher or parents’s expectations influence student performance. Positive expectations influence performance positively, and negative expectations influence performance negatively. Rosenthal and Jacobson said “When we expect certain behaviours of others, we are likely to act in ways that make the expected behaviour more likely to occur.” (Rosenthal and Babad, 1985)

What kind of learning climate are you creating through your expectations?

The Pygmalion Effect is a tendency named after Pygmalion, the protagonist of a Greek myth.

Pygmalion was a gifted sculptor who created a statue of a woman so perfect that he fell in love with his creation. After Pygmalion desperately prayed to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, she took pity on him by bringing the statue to life.

The Pygmalion Effect explains why all of our relationships are, in a very real sense, self- fulfilling prophecies.The effect was first verified in studies that examined the relationship between teachers and students. If a teacher believed a student was “gifted” or “smart,” the teacher would act in ways that encouraged the student to live up to that assessment. If the teacher believed a student was “difficult” or “challenged,” they wouldn’t receive as much support and wouldn’t perform as well-a self-fulfilling prophecy.

This effect explains why our relationships are usually self-fulfilling prophecies. Once you set expectations for somebody, that person will tend to live up to that expectation, whether it’s good or bad.

So the important tip is never to forecast failure for a child. If you know an activity is particularly difficult, tell your child that it is difficult but that you are sure that she will do well if she works hard to prepare. Keep the expectations positive. For a workshop on how to apply Pygmalion effect with your kids write to us at makehappyfoundations@gmail.com

  • Above all such parents practice gratefulness and kindness
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    You create you own luck and also your child’s
  1. Good Company: Second most important factor is the company child keep and grows with.  Company makes for a lucky child. Here again the role of parents is very important. Research says that if you surround yourself with people who strive for growth and have lot of interest in fine arts, reading etc. your personal growth goes up by at least 60-70 percent. The more time the child spend with kids who are balanced, well read, love arts and are resilient with strong social network the higher the chances of them being lucky.

  2. Good Education: Off course this one is no surprise a great education lays the foundation for a great life. It is important to understand that education is not simply a degree, it is having a curious and inquisitive mind. A great education also means ability take the broadest possible view of things and accepting a contradicting point of view. The more a child reads varied kind of literature the luckier she becomes.

I am now quoting another study which outlines the characteristics of Lucky people

It’s called The Luck Factor:  How to Get Lucky with Scientific Principles by Dr Richard Wiseman

The Luck Project was originally conceived to scientifically explore psychological differences between people who considered themselves exceptionally lucky and unlucky. This initial work was funded by The Leverhulme Trust and undertaken by Dr. Richard Wiseman in collaboration with Dr. Matthew Smith and Dr. Peter Harris

Dr. Wiseman has since built upon this initial work by identifying the four basic principles used by lucky people to create good fortune in their lives, and developing techniques that enable individuals to enhance their own good luck.

“Fortune favours the prepared mind.” Louis Pasteur

This research has involved working with hundreds of exceptionally lucky and unlucky people, and has employed various methods – including psychometric questionnaires, laboratory experiments and extensive interviewing – to better understand the psychology of luck.

Luck is being in the right place, at the right time, doing the right things. How? By being in the right state of mind (which is in our control).

The results of this work reveal that people are not born lucky. Instead, lucky people are, without realising it, using 4 basic principles (with further sub-principles) to create good fortune in their lives. The opposite it true too, as Napoleon noticed that there is no such thing as an accident, only failure to recognise the hand of fate.

  1. Maximise Chance Opportunities

Lucky people are skilled at creating, noticing and acting upon chance opportunities.

They do this in various ways, including

1a)Building and maintaining a strong ‘network of luck’,

1b)Adopting a relaxed attitude to life

1c)Being open to new experiences in their life.

  1. Listening to Lucky Hunches

Lucky people make effective decisions by listening to their intuition and gut feelings.

In addition, they take steps to

2a) listen to their gut feelings and hunches,

2b) actively boost their intuitive abilities by, for example, meditating and clearing their mind of other thoughts, reflecting on their hunches, focusing, learning to dowse, etc

  1. Expect Good Fortune

Lucky people are certain that the future is going to be full of good fortune. These expectations become self-fulfilling prophecies by helping lucky people persist in the face of failure, and shape their interactions with others in a positive way.

In addition, they

3a) expect their good fortune to continue in the future

3b) attempt to achieve their goals, even if their chances of success seem slim, and persevere in the face of failure (they understand that determination, persistence and patience are key to achieving goals and they never give up)

3c) expect their interactions with others to be lucky and successful.

  1. Turn Bad Luck to Good

Lucky people employ various psychological techniques to cope with, and often even thrive upon, the ill fortune that comes their way.

For example, they

4a) spontaneously imagine how things could have been worse – see the positive side of their bad luck,

4b) are convinced that any ill-fortune in their life will, in the long run, work out for the best,

4c) do not dwell on the ill fortune,

4d) take control of the situation and constructive steps to prevent more bad luck in the future.

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Every Minute of the Day you are creating your own Luck

So it’s time to take stock of your own self and see how committed you are to raising an exceptionally Lucky Child. It is well within your powers with small changes in your own behaviour and lifestyle!

For a workshop on this subject contact us at makehappyfoundations@gmail.com

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