Draw a line anywhere on this grid below, by selecting 2 consecutive dots, either horizontal or vertical. A red line will appear.
Almost immediately the computer would draw a blue line somewhere else on this grid.
Keep creating red lines while computer will keep creating the blue lines.
When you get a box with 3 sides enclosed with lines then aim to close the box by drawing the line on the 4th side. If you are successful in doing so a red box will appear and the score card at the bottom will increment by 1 against the User. You will not lose your turn till you keep creating red boxes.
Likewise if computer has the opportunity to close a 3 sided box then it will close as many blue boxes as it can close on its turn. In doing that the scoreboard will eep incrementing by 1 for each box and will show the score for the Computer.
At the end the grid will have 49 boxes of either red or blue colors, and the score at the bottom will show who has how many.